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A Responsible Company

« We must once again become the guardians of our planet »

Joëlle Zask

We are aware that the work of creating and presenting art can have an impact and a footprint on the environment and society. That's why we have built social and sustainability initiatives into the heart of all our systems to help create a better shared future. We are committed to employability, diversity, equality, inclusion and wellbeing, to reducing our impact and have set out a clear path to achieve our goals in all areas of our work. Our ambitious goals are driven by an urgent need for global change and by our desire to be recognised as an example of good practice within the cultural sector, in terms of social responsibility and sustainability alongside other organisations and companies.  As a creative organisation offering shows at local, national and international level, the commitment of our employees, suppliers, partners, artists, collaborators, venues and audiences to social issues and climate change is of paramount importance to us. Given the growing awareness of climate change issues, the decision to include corporate social responsibility (CSR) within the company was an obvious one. To do this, we have been able to take into account a number of resources to help us move virtuously towards a more responsible attitude, which have helped to guide us in our research and in the creation of our corporate social responsibility action plan and our sustainability action plan: COP 21, the IPCC 2022 report, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN to be achieved by 2030, the 7 principles of the ISO 26000 standard, the good practice guides provided by ADEME (and many others), etc. The company is committed to achieving its targets by 2045, in line with the objectives of the city of Sète, Sète Agglopôle Méditerranée, the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and the French government. Each year, we will evaluate our plan to respond to societal and climate change, our achievements and our priorities to ensure that we are as efficient as possible in the shortest possible time.


Since 2018


  • Each employee participates in the implementation of sustainable actions in the personal and collective organisation of work to help federate this virtuous transition.

  • CSR meetings, which are essential to the good governance of the organisation and provide an opportunity to analyse and take stock collectively of the various eco-responsible initiatives undertaken by the association, are organised internally once every two months.

  • Compagnie Mot pour Mot has a policy of cutting digital pollution. That's why we've decided to send out no email shots or regular newsletters.

  • A sustainable action plan has been drawn up and posted on the website.

Water and energy

  • Raising employee awareness of eco-gestures concerning water and energy.

Waste reduction

  • Extensive work on paperless communication has been underway for several months and has been stepped up in 2020-2023.

  • The company's costumes are kept and renewed for performances.

  • The company's website has been created so that various information and communication materials can be posted online, with the aim of reducing the amount of printing required.

  • Plastic water bottles have been replaced by water bottles for all our teams.

Transport management

  • Walking, car-pooling and public transport are the preferred means of transport.

Leadership and influence

  • As far as possible, the company aims to find and pass on new best practice in sustainability.

Internal coordination and research

  • Following extensive research, thematic guides on live performance, events and sustainable education are available on the team's internal server, from various organisations such as ADEME, WWF, NégaWatt, the French Ministry of Ecological Transition, the French Ministry of Education, etc., all of which are key references in the field.

  • The Compagnie Mot pour Mot is currently working with the Sète acclimatisation office. The Bureau des Acclimatations provides cultural organisations with tools and skills for the ecological transition, to raise awareness, mobilise and train cultural professionals.

  • The in-house teams use the resources made available online by the R2D2 network (Réseau des dispositifs régionaux d'accompagnement des manifestations responsables) and more particularly the Elémen'terre Occitanie network.

  • The Compagnie Mot pour Mot is a member of Elémen'terre Occitanie.

  • An in-house directory of eco-responsible service providers and suppliers has been created.

Ethical purchasing policy and suppliers

  • Purchase of reams of ecologically certified paper for the needs of the administration.

Communication and environmental awareness

  • In-house, employees are encouraged to print on both sides of the paper and in black and white, and to sort their e-mail messages and documents on the server.

  • Creation of a section called "A Responsible Company" dedicated to the transparency of the societal and environmental strategies pursued by the company following the redesign of its website.

Artistic programming and raising public awareness

  • Raising awareness of ecological issues among young people during performances or actions carried out by the company. Literary references used during performances: Bruno Latour, Francis Hallé, Gretel Ehrlich, Edgar Morin, Una Chaudhuri, Frédérique Aït-Touati...

  • An eco-responsible charter for employees, suppliers, partners, artists, collaborators, venues and our audiences has been created and posted on the website.

  • As part of its policy of environmental education, the company includes a section dedicated to creative work on the theme of protecting nature as part of its artistic and cultural education initiatives.


Since 2018


  • The seven principles of CSR have all been integrated into the company's decision-making and implementation processes.

  • Internal documents have been created to follow a coherent and sustainable development strategy within the structure.

Human rights

  • The Company seeks information from its suppliers and partners in order to learn more about their fundamental labour rights, human rights, management and wage policies.

  • We promote respect, gender diversity and professional equality between men and women through access to all jobs, remuneration and the fight against sexual harassment and sexist behaviour. In 2022, we hired 10 employees, 5 women and 5 men, 50% women and 50% men.

  • The entire artistic team represents 7 nationalities from every continent (Franco-Tunisian, Israeli, Brazilian, Belgian, Swiss, Spanish and French).

  • The company's recruitment policy encourages all applicants to apply, whatever their age, gender, social or ethnic origin, sexual orientation or disability.

  • The company has worked in partnership with a number of social organisations, such as social centres, in order to reach out to people who are far removed from the world of work or who are having difficulty integrating into society.

  • The company is supported by DILCRAH, the Délégation Interministérielle à la Lutte contre le Racisme l'Antisémitisme et la Haine Anti-LGBT.

  • For several years now, the Compagnie Mot pour Mot has been taking part in International Women's Rights Day, creating the show "FÉMININ, MASCULIN, PLURIEL".

  • Over the past 35 years, the company has organised more than 4 training camps as part of a programme of social reintegration through culture entitled "La culture pour s'en sortir" ("Culture as a way out") in Languedoc-Roussillon in 2003, approved by the DDTEFP (Direction Départementale du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle) and the ANPE (Agence Nationale Pour l'Emploi).

Working relations and conditions

  • Employee well-being is one of our top priorities. This concept encompasses the mental, physical, emotional and financial health of our staff, as well as relations between colleagues, remuneration and working hours. In order to encourage a good team dynamic, we promote flexible working hours and teleworking. We encourage extra holidays to boost productivity and well-being. We organise afterworks and meals to bring staff together.

  • An employee welcome guide and internal rules have been created in-house.

The environment

  • Creation and publication online of our sustainability action plan.

  • Creation and publication online of our eco-responsible charter.

Fair practices

  • We favour transparency by dedicating a page to listing our CSR actions and objectives.

Consumer issues

  • A F.A.Q. has been created and posted on our website.

Communities and local development

  • We have developed a coherent and sustainable internal development strategy that contributes to the creation of wealth in our region.


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