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Féminin, masculin, pluriel (Feminine, masculine, plural) is a theatrical, musical and choreographic adaptation of texts by Maram al Masri, Patricia Castex Menier, Floriane Moro, Assunta Renau Ferrer, Louise Michel and Talisma Nasreen.

These poets, novelists, philosophers, explorers and politicians are all closer to us than we thought. They have felt the injustice, the discrimination, the exclusion that, to varying degrees, has affected all women in all societies, and it's as if they were telling us in our ears that they have always been aware of the need to shout out their revolt, in order to pave the way to freedom for us all. Féminin, masculin, pluriel defends a clear stance in favour of a different, fairer, freer, more humane society, and we can see that the texts chosen for this show, both astonishing and memorable, are topical, modern and essential. The performance will take place in two parts: first the show Féminin, masculin, pluriel, followed by a discussion on women's rights.

  • Adaptation théâtrale, Metteur en scène chorégraphique : Clara Barbuscia

  • Artiste interprète : Cécile Combredet

  • Artiste chorégraphique : Naomy Huynh

  • Costumes : Edith Vespérini

  • Régisseur : Fred Grémeaux

  • Directrice de production : Tina Barbuscia



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